Sunday, May 9, 2010

What Would You Buy With $50? 

This post is not about kids & food - but its about kids & art and I wanted to share it with you all. I came across this campaign which benefits the Circle of Peace School in Uganda that provides education to children (many who are AIDS orphans) from rural villages & the city.

Basically, an artist/designer named Jiashan Wu in collaboration with the founding CEO of Givology traveled to Uganda in December 2009 to visit the Circle of Peace School. During their 3 week visit, they collected 163 drawings & portraits from the children.  

In Uganda, $50 can provide education and everyday needs for a child for a whole year. They asked the children to draw what they would buy with $50. They explain how the children do not understand the value of money so the objects depicted in their drawings represent something greater - a better life.

a house by a 6 yr old boy

So through the education provided by the Circle of Peace School, those children will be able to provide a better life for themselves in the future. They are raising funds to expand the School through the What Would You Buy with $50 campaign.

I always love drawings made by children, they are so expressive and immediate. Have a look through the drawings; they range from simple things (house, cow, book), to sentimental (mother) to special things (dolls, ipod, plane ticket to NY). The drawings are fun to explore and the portraits of the children holding their drawings are cheerful. The drawings, portraits or series of both can be purchased here.  

One of my favourites is the lake by a 5 yr old girl.

images courtesy of

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