Monday, April 19, 2010

Grocery Store Wars: A Case for Organic Food

I just love this video created by Free Range Studios! Join Cuke Skywalker as he fights against the dark side of pesticides and chemicals! Whether it persuades you to choose organic or not, it's a fun use of the Star Wars theme, and your kids might like the talking veggies! (Perhaps not appropriate for small children due to the images of guns etc, but you make the call.) I hope it makes you pause next time you're at the grocery store to see if there's an organic option! Plus, Chew Broccoli is so cute!


  1. this is so fun! love the salad bar :)

  2. This video was a genius idea! It made me smile so big; I love ChuBrocoli! haha
    Thank you so much ladies for this so refreshing share! I'll help spread it for sure!
